Best Practices for Injury Prevention in the Sports

Drew Morcos, Founder

People play their favorite sport at various levels, from professional to their backyard. But something that is common at all levels of sport is the risk of injury. But have no fear! We can show you some simple ways to enjoy your favorite pastimes with your loved ones with minimal risk of injury.

1. Establish a Warm Up Routine

Right from when we were children, our coaches drilled into us the importance of warming up. And you know what? They were completely right! A warm up routine is perhaps the most overlooked part of sports at least for people who aren’t professional athletes.

Warming up is really vital to prevent injuries and be at your best when you play. If you aren’t playing professionally, take at least 10 minutes to get yourself warmed up and stretch before you get started.

2. Review Proper Technique and Form

Another area where many people go wrong is with their form and technique. Any sport you partake in has guides that not only help you become better but also keep you away from injuries. It is also the reason why you should talk to your coaches and trainers to get a better idea of how to “play” a sport.

In the absence of coaches, you can talk to experienced physical therapists in Newport Beach CA about improving your form at a particular game. They can offer great insights that can help you with performance and recovery.

3. Improve Strength and Conditioning

You should never underestimate the role strength plays in sports. Being strong helps you execute movements better and offers protection against injury. Strength offers a better platform from which you can leverage. It significantly improves body stability, which lowers the chance of injury.

Ensure that you spend a good amount of time at the gym building a strong core. These are the muscle groups that help keep you from injury and improve your game regardless of the sport.

4. Track Your Progress

If you are an active person, it makes sense to keep track of your progress. Doing this can help you do two things. One, it can help assess your performance and areas you need to improve. Two, in the event of an injury, you know what you were doing before it happened.

There is a huge variety of smart wearables like trackers and fitness monitors. Investing in them is a great idea because it can track a huge number of data points. But if you wanna go old-school, a small notepad can do the trick too.

5. Get Adequate Rest and Recovery

One of the most documented reasons for sports injuries is the lack of a recovery period. While sports can be exciting and you’re looking forward to the next time you play, you need to listen to your body. Physical activity can build up lactic acid and other wastes within the body, which need time to be expelled.

Without proper rest, these can circulate within the body, making you sore. In the long run, this can result in strains and other injuries related to overuse. These hold true if you’re older because while your heart might be young, the body needs its rest!

6. Focus on Nutrition and Hydration

When people see the word nutrition, most think it’s just getting enough to eat. In reality, what you put into your body matters more than how much. Proper nutrition is all about what kind of nutrients your body gets with each meal. Ensure that you have enough fiber, protein, and minerals in your diet.

Hydration is another vital part of sport. When you play, especially during summer, the body loses water through perspiration. You need to ensure that you’re hydrated to prevent you from being dehydrated. Consider using electrolytes to replenish the minerals and salts you lose while sweating.

7. Use Proper Equipment

Equipment plays a huge part in injury prevention. Broken or improperly maintained equipment can cause injuries through loss of grip, inadequate protection, or many such mishaps. Before you start playing, ensure that all your equipment is proper and fits well. You should also check protective gear for cracks which can cause harm.

When choosing gear or protective equipment, ensure you opt for quality over price. This is especially true in full-contact sports like football or combat sports. Also, don’t switch equipment meant for one type of sport for another.

Hopefully, we’ve given you enough tips to go out and enjoy yourself! Regardless of all the precautions you take, sometimes injury can be inevitable. But you don’t have to fret because we’re available to help!

If you’re in and around Newport Beach, CA, feel free to reach us at the MOTUS Physical Therapy clinic. With decades of collective experience, we can handle a wide range of sports injuries. For your free consultation, hop on to our website and drop us a message!

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